Sch?ner Klang - einfache Handhabung Die Wood Kalimbas von NINO sind gro?artig klingende Instrumente, die vor allem f?r Kinder...
The Meinl Singing Bowls are original instruments made by hand in india for the traditional or meditational use. Handcrafted wi...
The STD2VB Steel Tongue Drum A-Akebono (Vintage Brown) is tuned-percussion that lends itself to solo & ensemble performance.
The Meinl STD2BK Steel Tongue Drum A-Akebono (Black) is a pre-tuned steel drum with harmonic sound, including bag and mallets. ...
The MEINL Steel Tongue black A-Minor incl. bag and mallets is a rich, full sounding instrument, which can be played with the ha...
Meinl HD2 Sonic Energy Harmonic Art Handpan
The Meinl HD1 Sonic Energy Harmonic Art hand pans are handmade from first-class steel and are convincing both in workmanship...
Orbitale Frequenzen Anhand einer Berechnung der planetaren Konstellationen in unserem Sonnensystem, schaffte es Hans Cousto d...
турбо слэп-топ кахон, орех
турбо гуиро
тройная А-Го-Го, хромированная отделка
сопрано думбек (алюминий), цвет черный, с гравировкой
сопрано думбек (алюминий), цвет черный